HH 1: Come Study the Bible With Us!
After 6 intense months of study and work: today we are launching our brand new podcast: Household Hermeneutics with Jason and Jami.
Our goal is to dive head long into doctrine, theology, and learning why we believe what we believe. We have a fierce passion for helping families learn theology and teach it to their children. We need to be prepared for the days ahead and to be able to pass down our faith to our kids and grand kids. Let's be forward looking Christians who take God and His Word seriously!
You can listen in to our introduction episode today where we dive into all of this. We will cover: What this new podcast is all about, why we need to take theology seriously, why it's worth learning about, and a little about WHY it's so important to pass this down to our kids.
You can Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes so you never miss an episode! Or listen on Spotify, Google, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
The first week or two in the life of a new podcast is very important. So if you have 5 minutes to leave a rating and a review over on iTunes, that would help so much!!
What we cover in this episode:
- Introducing ourselves and our family
- What do we mean by "household hermeneutics"
- The purpose of this show
- The importance of understanding theology as a family
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Book: A Day of Sacred Rest by John Owen
- Book: Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem (Or order from Westminster Bookstore to support a small Christian ministry, use referral link for $5 off your first purchase)
- Book: The Christian Faith by Michael Horton (Or order from Westminster Bookstore to support a small Christian ministry, use referral link for $5 off your first purchase)
- Book: Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments by Geerdardus Vos (Or order from Westminster Bookstore to support a small Christian ministry, use referral link for $5 off your first purchase)